Hamlyn Banks Primary School welcomes new enrolments. If you would like to visit our school and take part in a tour, please contact our office on 52783100. We are always happy to discuss our school’s programs and your child’s needs with new parents and carers.
School Tours
To book a school tour with the Principal, please CLICK HERE or contact the office on 5278 3100. All tours are conducted during the school day so you get to see our learning in action.
Prospective Prep Information Session
On May 6th at 6pm, we are hosting an information session for prospective familes. This session will be hosted by the school leadership team and the prep teachers. We will hold this session in the Prep Learning Space. There will be plenty of time for questions and open discussion. CLICK HERE to register your interest or scan the QR code below.
Open Mornings
Our Open Mornings are a great way to see our school in action! Book for one of the tours and take a stroll through our classrooms. Chat to our student leaders and staff. See our specialist program in action and ask all the questions you like. We'd love to see you there. CLICK HERE to book a tour or scan the QR below.
Enrolment Form
These forms are available from the school office, or you can CLICK HERE to download a copy. Please return the completed form to the school office. We will also require a copy of your child's immunisation certificate, birth certificate or passport. We will also request a copy of some form of proof of your residential address eg: current rates notice or rental agreement. Once all paperwork is complete and returned to the school office, your child's enrolment will be confirmed by a member of our school admin team.
Enrolment Policy
Enrolment Criteria: To be eligible for enrolment, a child must have had his/her fifth birthday by April 30 in the year in which he/she commences school.
Where there are insufficient places at a school for all students/foster children who seek entry, students are enrolled in the following priority order:
School Zone
If you are unsure what school is your local zoned school, please go to the FIND MY SCHOOL site and search your home address. Find my School hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones.
Students residing in the zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address.
The Department provides guidance through the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school if there are available places.
You can find more information and answers to frequently asked questions on the Department’s website under School zones.
Please Note
For more information about enrolling at school, CLICK HERE
For more information about enrolling in Foundation (first year of school) - CLICK HERE