Happy, safe and calm kids learn best. That’s a fact.
Our school is committed to creating a safe and positive learning environment where all children have the best possible chance of excelling. We work together with children and their families in a range of ways to create this environment. We follow the Positive Behaviour Support approach – strengthened by Restorative Practices. This is a whole school approach to creating an environment, which encourages effective learning through the development of a positive, calm and welcoming atmosphere. We encourage positive feedback to students often and endeavour to teach students how to behave appropriately.
We frame our behaviour support around three school-wide expectations. These three expectations are:Be Respectful, Be Safe, Be a Learner
We recognise that learning social skills and socially acceptable behaviours is a process, which everybody moves through at a different pace. Learning appropriate social skills is seen in the same light as learning how to read or complete maths. Some people need more assistance in some areas and less in others.
We know that all behaviour change is hard work and it is critical that school and home are working together with shared goals. We involve families from the start of any behaviour change effort to ensure we are all on the same page.
We are a Restorative School Community. What does that mean?
We focus on relationships and harm when things go wrong, and provide high levels of expectation and support to children to fix the harm and repair the relationship. We focus on the future, not the past. We explicitly teach expected and desired behaviours. We have clear behaviour expectations, linked to our school values and these are included on our Behaviour Matrix.
Teachers refer to the Behaviour Matrix using positive language and explicitly teach all the behaviours to all of our children.
All grades in our school make effective use of CIRCLES. A CIRLCE is a short, highly focused whole class discussion. There are many different CIRCLE types including Check In, Check Out, Preparation, Response and Learning. An example of a Response Circle could be that several students are late to return to class. Rather than a long lecture by the teacher that leaves everyone feeling deflated, the class can run a 1 min Circle. They quickly discuss the impact of being late, they recap on the expectations for the future, they make a commitment and they get back to learning.
Whole School Wellbeing Program
From Prep right through to Year 6 we run a weekly wellbeing program that is tailored to each year level and grade. All students are explicitly taught about the Zones of Regulation, emotional vocabulary and engage with the Respectful Relationships program. Classroom teachers think about the needs of their grade and use this information to select a helpful and relevant focus area each week.
Childhood and adolescence can be a difficult and challenging time for some students. Fortunately, school support staff are in a position to help students deal with these challenges by linking them to specialist staff on school grounds. We are committed to emotional, social and psychological wellbeing and believe when this is achieved children can reach their fullest potential interpersonally, personally and academically.
If you believe that your child requires additional support at school, please contact your child's teacher, our Assistant Principal or Principal so we can talk over your concerns and decide on a plan of action.
Other Services
3 million Australians are living with anxiety or depression.
beyondblue is working to reduce the impact of anxiety, depression and suicide in the community by raising awareness and understanding, empowering people to seek help, and supporting recovery, management and resilience. ORANGE DOORThe Orange Door site provides information and links to furrther support to families.